What early stage companies often forget when fundraising?

As the founder of Aspire Life Sciences, and as the life sciences events season picks up, I have the opportunity to speak with biotech leaders regularly, as well as investors who attend events such as the recent LSX Congress.

One of the key takeaways from these conversations where the topic of raising finance was discussed, was that while the scientific and technical aspects of a biotech plans for growth are often the focus and well-detailed, the insight in the investment of human capital is frequently overlooked or at best a small paragraph with little detail mentioned within a presentation deck.

During these industry events over the past 12-18 months which coincide with finance availability becoming increasingly scarce, it is clear that many founders are finding it difficult to show a clear plan and strategy for talent acquisition and how to effectively convey this to PE & VC’s. Often, they express challenges around mapping the available talent pool, gauging the costs associated with hiring, and evaluating location-based advantages for their teams.

So, working with our community of founders, we came up with a solution we call the Map & Raise report.

Addressing the Talent Landscape

One of the biggest hurdles that biotech startups face is finding the right people to drive their growth. As a founder, you may have a solids tech platform and a robust business plan, but without the right team in place, it can be difficult to secure the funding you need to turn your vision into reality.

That’s where “Map and Raise” helps. By leveraging our extensive industry knowledge and data-driven insights, we can help our partners understand the available talent pool, identify the key skills and experience needed, and develop a targeted recruitment strategy that will help attract the best talent when the time comes to hire.

Navigating the Cost of Hiring

Another challenge that founders face is understanding the true cost of hiring. It’s not just the salary and benefits – there are also factors like relocation, training, and onboarding to consider. And with the rise of remote work, the cost of bringing on remote employees can be even more complex.

Map and Raise can provide you with detailed insights into the costs associated with hiring, both locally and globally. This information can be invaluable when it comes to presenting a compelling case to potential investors and ensuring that your recruitment budget is aligned with your business goals.

Evaluating Location-Based Advantages

Finally, many leaders are grappling with the question of where to locate their teams. While remote work has opened up new possibilities, there are still significant advantages to having a physical presence in certain regions, so as access to specialised talent, proximity to research hubs, and favourable tax incentives.

Map and Raise can help you evaluate the location-based advantages for your team, taking into account factors like cost of living, availability of talent, and regulatory environment. This information can be crucial in helping you make informed decisions about where to base your operations and how to structure your team.

Simplifying Recruitment Decisions with Aspire Life Sciences

At Aspire Life Sciences, our goal is to simplify the complex decisions that come with building a successful recruitment strategy. Whether you’re a biotech startup looking to secure funding, or an established company navigating the challenges of geographical talent mapping, we can provide the insights and recommendations you need to make informed, data-driven decisions.

So, if you’re ready to take the guesswork out of your recruitment strategy and unlock the full potential of your business, I encourage you to reach out to me and I’d be happy to discuss.

The Future of Life Sciences: Embracing Technology for Breakthroughs

I must say, I’m quite excited about the role of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Drug Discovery. Throughout 2023, I had the opportunity to work with companies ranging from early-stage startups to well-established ones, all focused on AI/ML. It’s becoming clear that this subsect is gradually becoming the norm. What impresses us today will soon be standard. For the moment, it’s new and thrilling. Based on some engaging discussions and thorough market analysis, I’d like to share my perspective on this rapidly evolving domain.

The Impact of AI in Life Sciences

Artificial Intelligence has had a significant impact on life sciences, especially in healthcare. AI applications are expected to save up to $150 billion annually for the U.S. healthcare economy by 2026. This represents a substantial shift in how we approach healthcare delivery and management.

One of AI’s most notable impacts is in drug discovery. Recent reports suggest that AI could potentially reduce drug discovery costs by 40%, addressing a major challenge in pharmaceutical research.

The reason AI is so effective is its capacity to handle large datasets. A single human genome sequence can generate up to 200 gigabytes of data. AI’s ability to manage and interpret this vast amount of information is not only making healthcare and drug discovery more efficient but also opening doors for personalised medicine and genomics to advance.

The Power of Data Analytics

Data analytics is a crucial component of the ongoing changes in life sciences. It serves as a vital tool for making sense of the massive amount of data generated in the field. In 2020, the global bioinformatics market, which is essential for data analytics in life sciences, had an approximate value of $8.9 billion. However, it’s expected to significantly increase to about $24.5 billion by 2027.

The substantial growth of the bioinformatics market highlights the increasing reliance on data analytics to derive meaningful insights from the complex world of biological data. This underscores the critical role that data analytics now plays in life sciences.

The applications of data analytics are widespread and profound. From genomic sequencing, where it aids in identifying genetic markers for diseases, to clinical trials, where it predicts outcomes and enhances efficiency, the reach of data analytics knows no bounds. These applications are growing increasingly sophisticated, with the market for AI in diagnostics, for instance, poised to hit $1.5 billion by 2024.

Recruitment Trends in the Converging World

As technology and life sciences come together, there’s a growing demand for professionals who can handle both fields effectively. In the biotech sector alone, employment has been steadily increasing at a rate of 6.4% annually since 2017. This emphasizes the need for individuals who combine biological knowledge with technological skills.

But the demand for professionals isn’t limited to biotechnology alone. The need for data scientists and machine learning experts, particularly in life sciences, has seen a significant surge, with a growth of over 35% in the past two years. The most sought-after candidates in this changing landscape are those who can blend their understanding of biology with technical expertise. This trend is giving rise to a new generation of interdisciplinary professionals, reshaping how recruitment operates in these sectors.


The future of life sciences and technology is closely connected to the development of personalised medicine. In 2019, the personalised medicine market was valued at $57 billion, and it’s expected to grow to over $149 billion by 2024.

AI-driven data analysis plays a central role in this growth. It enables the customisation of medical treatments based on individual genetic profiles, potentially leading to improved outcomes and a more tailored approach to medical care.

Innovations in digital therapeutics and AI-assisted surgery highlight significant changes in progress. These developments aren’t minor, they are expanding the horizons of medical research and practice. We are observing a shift from traditional medical approaches to more data-driven, precise, and effective methods.

A Leap Forward

The convergence of life sciences and technology represents a leap forward that transcends the boundaries of imagination. As a recruitment company deeply involved in both life sciences and technology, we find promise in this integration. The future looks optimistic for those involved in this interdisciplinary field, and we’re dedicated to supporting the talent behind these advancements.

With ongoing innovation and the growing use of AI and data analytics in life sciences, we foresee a future where technology and biology work together seamlessly. This convergence may lead to important discoveries and an improved quality of life. The potential is vast, and the journey is both promising and meaningful.

A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring the Best in 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring the Best in 2024

hiring best talent in 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring the Best in 2024

The recruitment landscape, particularly in life sciences, is perpetually evolving. As we step into 2024, it’s important for those of us leading the charge in recruitment to adapt and innovate. With over a decade of experience in this fast-paced sector, I've gleaned insights crucial for shaping effective recruitment strategies. In this comprehensive blog, I'll share techniques that drive successful hiring in today's complex market.

1. Building a Robust Talent Pipeline: The cornerstone of any forward-thinking recruitment strategy is the development of a talent pipeline. This approach goes beyond just talent acquisition, it's about creating a dynamic database of potential candidates, tailored to foresee and fulfil future staffing needs. By nurturing relationships with prospective hires, you can significantly reduce the time-to-hire when a position becomes available. This method involves identifying critical roles, tapping into past applicants, alumni networks, and even interns, and employing innovative sourcing techniques like Boolean search. It's a proactive stance in talent management, ensuring a steady flow of qualified candidates.

2. Crafting a Compelling Employer Brand: In the digital age, an employer's brand is scrutinised more than ever before. It's no longer sufficient to just exist, a company must resonate with its potential workforce. Employer branding, thus, becomes a strategic tool, not just in attracting talent but in aligning their aspirations with the company's vision. A compelling employer brand is crafted through a robust online presence, engaging content, and active participation in industry events. It’s about creating a narrative that encapsulates the ethos and culture of the organisation.

3. Refining Job Specifications: In a highly competitive job market, the allure of a job posting cannot be underestimated. It's a delicate balance between being informative and engaging. As recruiters, we must articulate job roles in a manner that is concise yet comprehensive, highlighting the unique benefits and opportunities the role offers. This clarity helps in attracting candidates who are not just qualified but are a good fit for the company's culture and values.

4. Streamlining the Screening Process: The screening stage is often the bottleneck in the recruitment process. Accelerating this phase without sacrificing quality requires skilful execution. This involves embracing technologies like AI for initial resume screenings, adopting structured interviews, and utilising pre-screen tests to efficiently filter candidates. The use of one-way video interviews can also be a game-changer, offering flexibility to both recruiters and candidates.

5. Maximising Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS): An ATS is more than just a tool for an organisation, it’s a strategic asset in the recruitment process. A sophisticated ATS can sort applications, facilitating a more targeted approach to candidate selection. It also streamlines communication, keeping candidates informed and engaged throughout the process. Choosing the right ATS is a critical decision for a company that can have a profound impact on the effectiveness of the recruitment process.

6. Engaging Current Employees in Recruitment: Your current employees are your best ambassadors. They understand the company culture and can help identify potential candidates who would be a good fit. Encouraging employee referrals not only expedites the recruitment process but also brings in candidates who are more likely to be engaged and committed. Establishing a structured referral program can motivate employees to participate actively in this process.

7. Refining Interview Techniques: The interview is a critical moment in the recruitment process, serving as a window into the candidate's abilities and fit within the company. It’s crucial to conduct

interviews that are thorough and reflective of the company's values. Training interviewers to ask insightful questions and creating an environment where candidates can comfortably showcase their skills and personality is vital. Post-interview, a deliberate and considered decision-making process is essential to select the right candidate.

8. Enhancing Candidate Experience: Every interaction with a candidate, from the initial contact to the final decision, shapes their perception of your company. It's important to ensure a seamless, transparent, and respectful process. This includes efficient application procedures, consistent communication, and providing constructive feedback. A positive candidate experience not only improves the company's reputation but also builds a pipeline of future candidates.

9. Embracing Flexibility in Work Arrangements: Flexibility is increasingly becoming a key consideration for job seekers. Offering flexible work options, such as remote working and adjustable hours, can make a position more appealing. This flexibility is especially pertinent in the life sciences sector, where the nature of work can vary greatly. It's a strategic move that can distinguish your company in a competitive job market.

In the fast-paced world of life sciences, where innovation is at the forefront, our hiring strategies must be equally dynamic and forward-thinking. The methods I've shared are tried and tested practices that I've honed over the years in the field. They reflect a deeper understanding of what it takes to attract, engage, and retain top talent in a highly competitive market.

As we navigate through 2024 and beyond, these strategies will serve as foundational principles for building a resilient, responsive, and efficient recruitment process. They underscore the importance of human connection, technological integration, and strategic foresight in the art of recruitment.

Remember, the goal is not just to build a team that is robust, diverse, and aligned with your organisational goals. We must not only focus on the immediate needs but also anticipate the future demands of our industry. By doing so, we create a workforce that is capable of meeting current challenges and equipped to drive future innovations.

As a director in the life sciences recruitment sector, I've learned that the key to successful hiring lies in a balanced approach that values efficiency, engagement, and adaptability. These nine strategies offer a comprehensive roadmap to refine your recruitment practices.

Novel drug modalities and job opportunities within them

Novel drug modalities and job opportunities within them

Novel drug modalities are revolutionising the field of healthcare, leading to exciting job opportunities for professionals with the right skills and qualifications. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of novel drug modalities and delve into the diverse career paths available in this rapidly evolving industry.

Understanding Novel Drug Modalities

Definition and Importance of Novel Drug Modalities

Novel drug modalities refer to innovative approaches for developing and delivering medications that go beyond traditional small molecules and conventional biologics. These modalities offer new possibilities for treating diseases that were previously untreatable or had limited therapeutic options.

The significance of novel drug modalities lies in their ability to target specific biological targets and pathways, resulting in enhanced efficacy, specificity, and safety profiles. This translates into improved patient outcomes and the potential to address previously unmet medical needs.

For example, in oncology, novel drug modalities like antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) offer targeted cancer treatments. Unlike traditional chemotherapy, which affects both cancerous and healthy cells, ADCs specifically target cancer cells, reducing side effects.

Furthermore, novel drug modalities, particularly gene therapies, offer new ways to treat genetic disorders. Using methods like viral vectors or CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, these therapies can correct genetic issues at their source, providing long-lasting and potentially curative treatments.

In addition to gene therapies, cell therapies like stem cells and genetically modified immune cells are gaining traction for treating a range of conditions, from cancer to autoimmune disorders. In regenerative medicine, these therapies offer the potential for repairing tissues and organs once thought to be irreparable. Alongside this, emerging approaches like PROTACs and protein degradation are also opening new avenues for tackling various diseases.

As of now, yearly revenue from new modalities is around $20 billion. This has increased the total market value of biopharmaceutical firms by over $300 billion.

Different Types of Novel Drug Modalities

There are several types of novel drug modalities currently being explored and utilised in drug development. These pioneering methods include but are not limited to:

  • Gene Therapies: These involve altering genes within a patient’s cells to treat or prevent diseases, effectively getting to the root of the problem rather than merely treating symptoms.
  • Cell-based Therapies: These make use of cellular material, often altered outside of the body and then injected back into the patient. CAR-T therapies for cancer treatment are a notable example.
  • RNA Therapies: Leveraging the power of RNA to regulate, enhance or inhibit the function of target genes, these therapies offer an avenue for treating conditions like genetic disorders or viral infections.
  • Protein Degradation-Based Drugs: These focus on recruiting the body’s natural degradation mechanisms to eliminate disease-causing proteins.

By exploring and harnessing the potential of these novel drug modalities, researchers and pharmaceutical companies are paving the way for a new era of medicine, where previously incurable diseases may become manageable or even curable. The ongoing advancements in these modalities hold great promise for improving patient outcomes and transforming the landscape of healthcare.

Exploring the Job Opportunities in Novel Drug Modalities

Roles and Responsibilities in the Field

A career in novel drug modalities opens a range of exciting roles and responsibilities. Professionals in this field may be involved in:

  • Research and Development: Scientists and researchers work on discovering and designing novel drug modalities, conducting preclinical studies, and optimising their therapeutic potential.
  • Manufacturing and Production: Professionals skilled in bioprocessing and quality control ensure the efficient and safe production of novel drug modalities, adhering to stringent regulatory requirements.
  • Clinical Trials and Regulatory Affairs: Experts in clinical trials oversee the planning, execution, and monitoring of clinical studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of novel drug modalities. Regulatory affairs professionals navigate the complex regulatory landscape to ensure compliance and successful market approval.
  • Commercial Operations: Sales, marketing, and business development professionals promote and commercialise novel drug modalities, creating awareness among healthcare providers and facilitating market access.

Required Skills and Qualifications

To thrive in the field of novel drug modalities, individuals need a combination of technical expertise and essential skills:

  • Scientific Knowledge: A solid understanding of biology, pharmacology, and chemistry is crucial for comprehending the mechanisms and potential of different drug modalities.
  • Technical Proficiency: Familiarity with cutting-edge technologies used in drug discovery, development, and manufacturing, such as gene editing, protein engineering, and bioprocessing, is highly advantageous.
  • Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to analyse complex data, troubleshoot technical issues, and devise innovative solutions is essential.
  • Regulatory Compliance: A thorough understanding of regulatory requirements and guidelines ensures adherence to quality and safety standards throughout the drug development process.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Effective collaboration within multidisciplinary teams and the ability to communicate scientific concepts clearly are invaluable skills in this field.

The Future of Jobs in Novel Drug Modalities

Emerging Trends in the Industry

The field of novel drug modalities is continuously evolving, with several exciting trends shaping its future:

  • Advancements in Precision Medicine: The increasing focus on personalised therapies and targeted treatments creates immense opportunities for novel drug modalities to play a vital role in tailoring treatments to individual patients.
  • Integration of Artificial Intelligence: AI-driven technologies can accelerate the discovery and development of novel drug modalities by analysing vast amounts of data, identifying potential drug targets, and predicting drug safety and efficacy.
  • Expansion of Cell and Gene Therapies: Cell and gene therapies are poised for exponential growth, offering remarkable potential to cure previously incurable diseases and transform the treatment landscape.

Predicted Job Growth and Opportunities

The future job market for professionals in novel drug modalities looks promising. With the increasing demand for novel therapies and the growth of biopharmaceutical companies investing in research and development, there will be a surge in job opportunities across various sectors. Careers in this field are expected to be highly rewarding, both intellectually and financially.

Tips for Job Hunting in the Field

When embarking on a job search in the field of novel drug modalities, consider the following tips:

  • Networking: Build connections through industry events, conferences, and online platforms to expand your professional network and gain insights into potential job opportunities.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay updated with the latest advancements in novel drug modalities by reading scientific literature, attending webinars, and enrolling in relevant courses.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: The field of novel drug modalities is dynamic, so being open to diverse job roles, industries, and geographical locations can broaden your options.
  • Showcasing Relevant Skills: Highlight your technical skills, research experience, and any relevant projects or publications in your resume and interviews to demonstrate your suitability for the role.
  • Mentorship and Guidance: Seek guidance from experienced professionals or mentors who can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout your career journey.
  • Get In Touch with Specialised Recruitment Companies: And of course, don't hesitate to reach out to recruitment firms that specialise in the biotech and pharma sectors. Companies like ours have the insights and networks to match your skills with the perfect opportunity. We understand the nuances of recruiting for specialised roles in novel drug modalities and can help guide your job search in the right direction.

In conclusion, the field of novel drug modalities offers a plethora of job opportunities that combine scientific innovation, technological advancements, and a passion for improving patient care. By understanding the various types of novel drug modalities, exploring potential roles, acquiring the required skills, and staying abreast of emerging trends, aspiring professionals can pave the way for fulfilling and impactful careers in this exciting field.


The Future of Work in Saudi Arabia: A Guide to Attracting and Retaining Top Saudi Talent

A Recruiter’s Guide To 2022: Talent Acquisition and Recruitment Trends

Incorporating technology and data in recruitment and selection is the way forward for employers who want to build a high-performing team. Recruiting trends in 2022 are focused on improving the candidate experience, optimising candidate sourcing strategies and improving diversity efforts. Here are some of those trends:

The end of the ‘one-size-fits-all’ candidate experience

The way we communicate with candidates is changing. At the heart of this shift is the fact that candidates have more choices than ever before when it comes to interacting with companies, which makes them more discerning. To get a better understanding of how they want to engage with recruiters, the Daxtra survey showed that 70% of candidates would be happy for recruiters to keep their data on file for up to two years if it led to a more personalized recruitment experience. They also expressed interest in being able to apply for jobs using multiple methods (43 %) and receiving a variety of communication channels from one company (40 %).

Companies that invest in the quality of their candidate hiring experience report a 70% improvement in the quality of hires.

The trend over the last few years showed an increase in candidate-friendly hiring tools such as online application forms, video interviews and resume scanning tools. These innovations reduced time spent on paperwork by making it easier for both sides of the equation. Next step? Make sure these new features are available across all channels so that applicants can choose how they want their application process handled—and so you can learn about their preferences as soon as possible.

Augmented and virtual reality recruitment

Recruiters and hiring managers alike have been increasingly using augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology to attract candidates in 2022. As an example, Jaguar luxury vehicles producer teamed up with Gorillaz to use their mixed reality app as an innovative recruitment tool. The app features a code-breaking challenge designed to test future talent in engineering. Those candidates who excel at Jaguar Land Rover’s recruitment process will be fast-tracked through the recruitment process. This global recruitment initiative aims to add more than 1,000 engineers to Jaguar Land Rover’s workforce via AR.

This means that your recruitment experience will be more interactive, immersive, engaging and fun. You’ll also get a better sense of what the company culture is like through VR tours. It’s a major change to how businesses look for talent that is revolutionizing the recruiting process and inspiring and attracting a diverse range of candidates.

BMW and Johnson & Johnson are two companies that have used virtual reality to simulate a prospective employee’s future working environment. This is especially helpful for organizations hiring remotely, which can allow candidates to feel like a part of the team before even meeting them in person, and the technology can also be used to assess skillsets as part of the recruitment process.

Using diversity and inclusion to drive recruitment efforts

Studies have shown that diverse teams are more innovative and productive. In fact, companies with a diverse workforce can be up to 35% more profitable than their peers. Research also indicates that employees who identify as diverse are better able to adapt and respond to changes in their environment.

For these reasons, diversity has become a key component of a company’s brand identity—and it’s not just about hiring individuals from underrepresented groups anymore; it’s about embracing changes in identity across the board, including academic and professional background, candidates with non-traditional career paths, physical abilities and disabilities, gender, age, and race.

As the world becomes more globalized, it’s important to recognize that what may seem like a barrier to entry for one person might be a non-issue for another. For example, if you’re a woman who grew up in an environment where female leadership was accepted and even encouraged, then taking on a leadership role at work will feel like second nature. On the other hand, if you’re a woman who grew up in an environment where female leaders were few and far between or even looked down upon by those around them, then taking on such an important role can feel daunting.

Companies should take advantage of this opportunity by taking concrete steps toward enhancing their internal culture with diversity initiatives such as employee resource groups or affinity networks; providing flexible office hours for remote workers; incorporating cultural competence training into performance reviews; hiring recruiters who understand how communities outside of traditional professional circles operate; partnering with non-profits working on behalf of marginalized communities where there might be mutual benefit resulting from collaboration between the two parties.

Artificial intelligence will power recruitment and selection

AI, or artificial intelligence, is a technology that will be used to power recruitment and selection in the coming years. It’s also something you’ve probably heard a lot about in the past years. With its rise in popularity, AI has become a buzzword that everyone uses without really understanding what it means.

In simplest terms: AI is software designed to mimic human thought processes and make decisions based on data inputted by humans. These programs are trained using large amounts of data sets (which can include anything from text-based information like resumes or job descriptions to video footage), allowing them to learn the characteristics associated with successful candidates and select those candidates who most closely match the ideal worker profile.

AI can be used for many different aspects of talent acquisition including screening applicants against pre-defined criteria, creating job descriptions based on company needs and requirements, automating parts of applicant tracking systems (ATS) such as resume filtering/sorting and scheduling interviews through an agent interface system (AIS). However, its most powerful application lies within automated decision-making during interviews – where AI can score candidate responses against pre-defined questions to measure their personality traits more accurately than any human could hope for.

Increased focus on soft skills and emotional intelligence

Soft skills are skills that are not easily measured. They include leadership, communication, and collaboration. This is because they are based on personal characteristics rather than technical ability or experience in a particular field. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage emotions, and it has been proven to make people more successful in their careers due to how it affects their interactions with others.

Often in technical roles like software development or data science where there is a high demand for technical expertise, it can be easy to overlook soft skills like emotional intelligence as unimportant or secondary to more technical abilities. But companies are increasingly recognizing that they need more than just people who know how to code – they need people who can communicate effectively with stakeholders from management down through the ranks of their teams; understand how to manage deadlines when things aren’t working out as expected; aren’t afraid of facing problems head-on; those who are passionate about their organizations’ missions, visions and values and are willing to challenge the status quo.

According to the research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Centre 85% of job success comes from having well‐developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (hard skills).

Soft skills fall into two categories: interpersonal and intrapersonal. Interpersonal soft skills include communication, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, and conflict management. Intrapersonal soft skills include self-awareness and emotional intelligence (EQ). EQ is critical for working with technology especially since many modern jobs require employees to use tools like Slack or Trello to communicate with one another—or even complete tasks using AI technology like IBM Watson or Microsoft Cortana.

Emerging roles for newly remote employees

Remote work is here to stay. While remote working has been a popular option for some time, it’s becoming even more widespread and popular, especially among employers looking to attract talent. Remote workers are often attracted by the flexibility and freedom that remote work affords them. It can be a good fit for many roles in both the tech industry and beyond – particularly those which don’t require face-to-face interaction regularly or are more suited to working independently.

Remote workers may also be drawn by geographic constraints: if you’re based in New York City but want to land a job in Sydney, Australia—and you value being able to support yourself financially while doing so—remote work might allow you to get closer than otherwise possible while still maintaining your independence as an expert who isn’t willing relocate full time from one place to another (or at least not willing yet).

The types of roles that are suitable for this type of work include:

  • Software developers who work on large projects requiring collaboration with other developers around the world.
  • Designers who create interactive experiences using UI/UX principles.
  • Customer service reps who respond quickly while providing excellent customer service over chat or phone calls.
  • Accountants who are responsible for overseeing financial transactions across several departments within an organization (e.g., payroll).
  • Salespeople whose main responsibility is building relationships via email or phone calls rather than face-to-face interactions
  • Highly skilled niche professionals that are hard to find, if you need someone with expertise in a particular field or industry (e.g., technical writer), then it may be difficult to find someone near the office who has all the desired skills. But if they live overseas or in another part of the country, they may be available to work from home.

Key Remote Work Statistics in 2022 show that 77% of workers say that they are more productive working from home.

The benefits of a sustainable work environment for recruitment

Employee retention is a hot topic in the HR world, and it’s something that every company can improve upon. The best way to retain talented employees is to offer them a sustainable work environment. Not only do they say that it attracts talent, but it also helps with employee satisfaction and engagement. A Gallup study found that 71% of workers would consider taking a job with a company they thought was environmentally friendly. Additionally, the cost of providing these benefits will be lower than if you didn’t offer them at all. Did we mention how sustainability can increase productivity too? It does.

Sustainable companies offer competitive salaries, but what makes them even more attractive is their wide range of perks, such as free health insurance, cafeteria food and gym memberships.

Companies will increasingly use data and technology to inform hiring and improve the employee experience.

The candidate experience: Companies will use data to inform hiring decisions, which should result in a better candidate experience. A company that uses data effectively will be able to give candidates a clear picture of where they are in the recruiting process, making it easier for them to decide whether they want to continue pursuing the role. This transparency can help alleviate some of the anxiety associated with waiting for an update on your candidacy or offer, which many job seekers find stressful.

The employer experience: You might think that employers only care about how you match up against other applicants for the job, but there’s much more than just skill sets at play here—they also want their employees (and potential future employees) to feel valued from start-to-finish when working with their company. This means providing feedback after interviews (even if they’re not successful) so that people know exactly what went wrong this time around instead of wondering why nothing came back after submitting applications online several times over several months.

The recruitment industry is at an exciting point in its development, with new technologies disrupting the way we advertise jobs and find candidates. Such developments mean that companies will be able to make better use of their time and resources when hiring new talent into roles that require specific skillsets; this will help them operate more efficiently and achieve higher levels of productivity within their teams. However, these changes also mean that there will be a growing need for trained professionals who can help organisations navigate through this changing landscape successfully: i.e., recruiters!


Big Pharma’s Most Anticipated Drug Launches In The Second Half of 2022

Brand-name drug makers are facing a wave of new competition from generics this summer and fall, with a host of new drugs preparing to launch in the U.S. and EU markets. Some of those launches will include major upgrades to existing medicines, while others will be brand-new treatments for some previously untreatable diseases. However, several key future launches have hit development snags that have delayed their FDA approval and could push them into 2023 or later.

The second half of 2022 is going to be an exciting time for new drug launches. From a promising treatment for Alzheimer’s disease to the first-ever HIV Treatment, these drugs have the potential to change the way we approach some of our most common and challenging health conditions. Read on to find out more about the most anticipated drug launches in Q3 and Q4.

Here’s what to expect over the next two quarters:

Donanemab Amyloidosis: Potential Blockbuster in The Making?

Donanemab by Eli Lilly is an anti-beta amyloid drug, which is expected to have a significant impact on Alzheimer’s patients by slowing down disease progression. It has the potential to become a blockbuster drug—especially if approved for prevention in high-risk Alzheimer’s patients. This is because up to 40 per cent of people with primary amyloidosis die suddenly, making it difficult to determine whether they would have lived longer without treatment.

According to Biopharma Dive, Eli Lilly has revised its timeline for filing an application with the Food and Drug Administration for approval of an experimental drug for Alzheimer’s disease; the company expects to finish by the end of this year, rather than by the end of March.

Overall, the industry’s efforts to cure Alzheimer’s disease have unfortunately been carried out under a cloud of pessimism. However, this isn’t to say that is a lost cause: there are multiple drugs in development, which could provide benefits for many patients suffering from this horrible affliction. In addition, it is likely that one of these drugs will be approved for sale in late 2022. While not “curing” Alzheimer’s disease altogether, this approval could be a breakthrough for the industry and its investors.

Trizeatide-ZHCl, A Novel GIP/GLP-1 Receptor Agonist with Potential to Treat Type 2 Diabetes

Trizeatide-ZHCl is a novel GIP/GLP-1 receptor agonist, which is being developed by Lilly as a treatment for type 2 diabetes. This drug has the potential to treat this disease by improving glucose homeostasis and suppressing glucagon secretion in the pancreas.

Trizeatide-ZHCl also has several other benefits over other diabetes drugs on the market. For example, it does not cause severe hypoglycaemia or weight gain when taken alongside insulin analogues (like sulfonylureas). In addition, it can be administered via different modes of administration: oral capsules or injections under the skin. Lilly is now paving the way for tirzepatide to expand its reach as a weight-loss medication. According to Samisha Khangaonkar, Senior Pharma Analyst at Global Data, the weight loss effect of tirzepatide, a diabetes drug, is impressive. In clinical trials, patients with T2D and obesity have shown significant weight loss when taking tirzepatide compared to other GLP-1 diabetes medications and its sales are forecasted to reach $6.8 billion in 2028.

 Deucravacitinib-A Novel JAK Inhibitor for The Treatment of Psoriasis

Deucravacitinib is a novel, once-daily JAK 1/JAK 2 inhibitor that is being developed for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. This drug has received orphan drug designation from the FDA and European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Bristol-Myers Squibb just announced new two-year data on its experimental psoriasis drug deucravacitinib, which showed it to be an efficacious treatment for patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. On Sept. 10, the company expects to hear back from the FDA about whether its drug application for deucravacitinib, an allosteric tyrosine kinase 2 inhibitors, has been approved for any disease. If so, it would be the first allostery drug of its kind approved for any condition. This is a great breakthrough for BMS, as this could be their 3rd approval this year, namely cancer drug combo Opdualag for melanoma, followed by Camzyos in April for obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. An extensive clinical trial involving over 1,200 patients demonstrated that 6 mg of deucravacitinib administered once daily was effective in maintaining clinical response for up to two years. BMS forecasts sales of $4 billion in 2029.

In other cases, these new drugs will serve as an alternative to existing treatments with fewer side effects or an improved safety profile than existing therapies.

Lenacapavir – A First-In-Class Nucleotide Analog Protease Inhibitor for HIV Treatment

Lenacapavir by Gilead Sciences, Inc., an investigational drug being studied to treat and prevent HIV infection, belongs to the group of drugs called capsid inhibitors. Capsid inhibitors interfere with the protein shell that protects HIV’s genetic material and enzymes needed for replication. This prevents HIV from multiplying and can reduce the amount of HIV in the body. Lenacapavir may work against strains of HIV that are resistant to other anti-HIV drugs.

Lenacapavir is in Phase 2/3 development for HIV treatment and Phase 3 development for HIV prevention. Previously The FDA had placed a clinical hold on Gilead’s injectable lenacapavir in borosilicate vials, following a vial compatibility issue. The FDA removed the hold in May 2022 after reviewing Gilead’s comprehensive plan and data demonstrating that the product could be used safely with an alternative vial made from aluminosilicate glass.

Resuming all the activities in the clinical studies to evaluate injectable lenacapavir for HIV treatment brings Gilead Sciences one step closer to its goal of offering therapeutic options for the diverse communities affected by HIV in the nearest future.

European Medicines Agency’s Committee adopts a positive opinion approving Lynparza for targeted breast cancer therapy

Some of those new approvals will include major upgrades to existing medicines. For many diseases, the recently approved medicines will offer incremental improvements over existing treatments. For example, AstraZeneca’s (AZN) Lynparza (olaparib) is a BRCA-mutated ovarian cancer drug that could be used as a first-line treatment for ovarian cancer patients who previously had not been able to take chemotherapy because of their risk of developing breast cancer. Lynparza, which was developed in association with U.S.-based Merck (MRK.N) and received approval in the United States in 2013, has been prescribed in combination with endocrine therapy as a treatment for early-stage breast cancer that has a specific type of genetic mutation.

Enhertu endorsed by European Medicine Agency for HER2-positive Breast Cancer

Enhertu, a drug developed jointly with Japan’s Daiichi Sankyo, was approved by the European Medicines Agency for treating an aggressive form of breast cancer characterized by a high rate of HER2.

Enhertu is expected to be a major growth driver for AstraZeneca, with some analysts forecasting peak sales of $10 billion. The drug is also likely to be approved this month for patients with low levels of HER2 following the recent success of a trial.

What do all these drug launches mean for the pharma industry as a whole? Some of the upcoming launches are expected to yield blockbuster sales. Others, though, might only make an impact in niche markets. Either way, they’re indicative of how pharma companies will move forward in the coming years. Pharmaceutical innovation is one of the most exciting areas of healthcare research today; the amount of money being spent on R&D is only likely to continue climbing from here. That’s a bright prospect for 2022, and beyond.

Top 5 most in-demand Life Sciences Jobs in Europe

The science industry is a broad and expanding sector. It is estimated that there will be more than 1 million science jobs needed globally by 2024, so it’s worth making sure that you are prepared to take advantage of this growing industry. More and more companies are seeking scientists to work on a range of different projects, which has resulted in a growing number of available jobs. These roles vary greatly and can be found in universities, private research facilities, and within the pharmaceutical industry itself. In this article, we have highlighted some of the most popular scientist job roles currently available.

Biological Technicians

In the life science industry, biological technicians are in high demand. The job outlook for this position will increase by at least 5% and will generate 4300 more jobs in the coming years.

The main work of biological technicians is to help medical and natural scientists in the laboratories to fulfil tests and experiments, development of new medicine, surgeries, or rehabilitation techniques. The technicians will often carry out experiments, collect and analyse data and prepare reports according to a report from the Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS).

Regardless of the environment, a biological science laboratory technician must be able to pay attention to detail and use scientific methods to further human understanding. The technicians must be able to follow research directions and assist researchers with designing and carrying out experiments. Due to the technical and scientific nature of these types of positions, most employers usually require a bachelor’s degree in biology or a related field, such as chemistry or animal sciences. They should also have good computer skills and knowledge about laboratory procedures, according to the BLS.

Employment of biological technicians is projected to grow 7 percent from 2020 to 2030, about as fast as the average for all occupations according to BLS. About 11,800 openings for biological technicians are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labour force, such as to retire. The average salary for a Biological Science Laboratory Technician is €62,000 in Germany and €45,180 in the Netherlands.

Computational biologists

Computational biologists develop and apply data analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modelling, and computational simulation methods for studying biological, social, and behavioural systems. They also work with computers to simulate biological processes, create animations of biological or social phenomena and analyse the structure of data to gain insights into living organisms.

Between 2018 and 2028, the career is expected to grow 8% and produce 10,600 job opportunities across Europe.

Computational biologists work in a variety of industries, including government and commercial companies, as post-secondary teachers, or as computer and information research scientists. In academia, they might work as a biology professor. In contrast, in computer and information research scientists, computational biologists may work with pharmaceutical companies, software companies, and biotechnology companies for research and development projects. In government, computational biologists may be hired in various health and research institutes to analyse vast quantities of research data. Computational biologists need a PhD. Relevant work also includes a bachelor’s or master’s degree in biology and other appropriate fields.

The national average salary for a Computational Biologist is £40,445 in the United Kingdom, €65,544 in Belgium and the average salary for a Biological Technician is €82,518 in the Netherlands.

Scientist – Analytical development and QC

Analytical development and QC (or ADQC) are a role that you may not have heard of before, but it’s becoming increasingly important as the pharmaceutical industry expands. Thanks to a steady demand for science in general, the demand for Quality Control chemists with the right skills is growing year after year. The latest report from the Bureau of Labour Statistics forecasts job growth of 4% between 2018 and 2028, producing 3,500 job opportunities in Europe. So, what exactly does this job entail?

  • Job description: Senior scientists in ADQC roles are responsible for developing new tests and methods, managing their team, and ensuring that all processes are carried out to a high standard. They also act as quality control experts on drug development teams.
  • Key skills required: To be successful in this role, you need excellent communication skills as well as scientific knowledge gained through experience. You’ll need to be able to work well within a team to set goals, delegate tasks when appropriate, and provide regular updates on progress made by your project team members.
  • Typical career path: After completing an undergraduate degree (at least one-year full-time), many graduates go on to complete further training courses such as MSc or PhDs in biological science specialising in biochemistry before entering a career path like this one where they can apply their expertise directly through working on specific projects within larger companies such as Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (NYSE:NVS), Pfizer Inc (NYSE:PFE) or Merck & Co Inc(NYSE:MRK).

The average quality control chemist’s gross salary in Europe is €50,435 or an equivalent hourly rate of €24. In addition, they earn an average bonus of €731. Salary estimates are based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Europe. An entry-level quality control chemist (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of €37,969. On the other end, a senior-level quality control chemist (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of €60,750.

Clinical studies and preclinical studies

In terms of salary, senior scientist roles are on par with the other careers listed here. However, they’re also the most competitive and well-paid roles. If you want to earn more than most other scientists, this is where you need to be. The job market for clinical researchers is going to be a buyer’s market in the next 10 years and you can expect a very cordial response from any decent organisation you send your CV to. The career path growth rate for clinical research associates is projected to be stronger than the average job, at 36,4% from 2012 to 2022, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Preclinical researchers are responsible for conducting studies in the pre-market phase of a drug’s development. This means they’ll carry out tests on animals or cells before human clinical trials can begin. They often work in teams alongside clinical researchers and veterinarians who help them study diseases like cancer or neurological disorders through animal models.

As well as being responsible for running tests themselves, these scientists will develop protocols for carrying out experiments on animals so that results can be accurately reproduced by others across different institutions worldwide – something which requires extensive knowledge about current literature within their field as well as an understanding about how different approaches could influence results positively or negatively depending on what types of questions a researcher might want to be answered from their research design choices (e.g., whether they want accurate data about how much weight rats lose after taking various doses over time).

The estimated total pay for a Clinical studies Scientist is €72,000 per year in the Netherlands, with an average salary of €66,000 per year. In addition, they earn an average bonus of €1,471 . And €60,852 annually in Germany, and the estimated salary for a Clinical Scientist is €55,343 per year in the France area.

Regulatory affairs

Regulatory affair is a key function for pharmaceutical companies and other regulated industries. In this role, you will be responsible for ensuring that your company complies with all regulations and laws that affect its products on a global scale. This includes things like ensuring that the product is safe to use, that it meets all legal requirements, and that any necessary approvals are in place before it can be launched into the market.

In 2016, the regulatory market experienced a 42 percent increase in job listings, and the Bureau of Labour Statistics estimates the field will continue to grow at an average rate of eight percent until 2026. As new and developing industries become increasingly regulated, the demand for additional and specialised regulatory expertise will increase.

Skills needed: You must have strong communication skills as you will need to liaise with government agencies around Europe and beyond. You should also be confident in your ability to gather information from various sources including customers and suppliers, as well as having great attention to detail when working with complex processes such as regulatory compliance.

​Salary: The average salary of a senior scientist – in regulatory affairs in Europe is €51,000 (or £45,000). However, there’s some variation depending on where you work – i.e., if your company has its headquarters based in Switzerland then this could affect what salary bracket, they fall under when compared with other European countries such as Germany or France where salaries tend not to vary much between companies located within these two nations. To be specific total pay for a Regulatory Affairs Specialist is €63,291 per year in the German area, with an average salary of €55,584 per year, and the gross salary in the Netherlands is €60,320.

Life science is a broad and expanding industry.

There are many different disciplines within the life sciences, so your dream job might be in molecular biology or neuroscience. You could also choose to focus on chemical engineering or data science if you prefer working with numbers. Life sciences is a growing industry, which means that it will always offer opportunities for new graduates who want to work in this dynamic field. The diversity of this industry means you can find work that suits your personal interests and skills – whether that’s researching new medicines or developing software for genome sequencing platforms. The growth of the life sciences means there are plenty of opportunities for scientists who want to contribute their expertise and knowledge by working in research labs alongside other specialists from around Europe and beyond!

Aspire is a specialised agency that aligns top talent from Europe and the Middle East with top employers and institutions in Europe, the Middle East, and North America. We advise our clients on how to create a competitive advantage through their hiring and retention of scientific talent. We invite this talented pool of professionals to benefit from our diverse network of employers, institutions, and research centres in Great Britain, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Through our consultation services or pioneering professional recruitment, we offer you personalised support for your job search. Start your journey with Aspire today.


Top challenges Life Sciences organisations face when hiring talent in 2022








Hiring seems to be getting more difficult as time goes on, doesn’t it? It’s a candidate’s market and competition for the best life sciences talent is high. The question is: why is it so difficult to locate top talent in 2022? What are the top challenges you’re facing and why?


In this blog post, we’ll be unpacking these questions and outlining the hurdles that life sciences organisations have to overcome in order to hire top talent in the current employment market. 

First of all, finding quality candidates isn’t easy

The good ones are all already taken, especially in the life sciences sector. Those who are highly skilled, expertly trained, and ready to change the way we view the industry are already employed. They are busy innovating and incorporating Artificial Intelligence in their labs. They aren’t sending out their CVs, looking for their next career move because they’ve already found it. They have a clear career path and are focusing on their work rather than who they’re working for. 


How can you find people who are interested in moving to a new position, then? It’s all about knowing where to look. You need to have a wide network where you can have conversations with people who may not be on the market, yet will still be interested in finding out more about a role. It’s about finding the right people, regardless of their employment status, and converting them into candidates wanting to work for your organisation. 


With the world starting to embrace remote and flexible working, location is no longer a problem for life sciences professionals; they can therefore work for any organisation they choose. You need to convince them to choose yours. Whether this is with a competitive remuneration package, increased benefits, or your unique company culture, you need to ensure they’re buying into your employer branding. 

The high cost of hiring the wrong candidate

Hiring the wrong candidate can have serious consequences on your organisation. For starters, you spend a large amount of time and resources on making a single hire. There’s the gathering of CVs, reaching out to your network, having conversations, improving your employer branding, interviewing multiple people, and finally making an offer. Then, once you’ve hired someone, you need to onboard them. By the time you realise you’ve made the wrong hire, you’ve already wasted valuable time. 


There’s also the cost on your team members. Hiring the wrong person affects everyone they work with – from the team lead to the interns. If that person isn’t getting the job done correctly, other people will have to pick up the slack. This means your other team members are going to be tired, overworked, and unhappy. By making one wrong hire, you could lose important team members. 

Hiring with diversity in mind

One of the biggest challenges facing hiring managers in life sciences organisations is hiring diverse team members. How do you approach finding the right people for the job? How do you reach out to diverse candidates and encourage them to apply for positions at your organisation? How do you ensure your diversity and inclusion strategy isn’t simply performative, and is instead enacting real change within your organisation? 


Hiring with diversity in mind can be difficult, but as hard as it can be, it’s more important than ever. Having a diverse workforce encourages new perspectives, new ideas, and new methods of doing things, which is crucial in the life sciences industry. 

Time to hire 

This sector moves quickly. Innovation happens daily and you need to have the right people at the right time to make it work. Hiring can take far too long these days and it can leave you with fewer people on your team than you need. This is largely because the application and interview processes to ensure you hire the right person take too long. 

Another big issue with time to hire is that top quality candidates aren’t going to wait around for an offer. If they’re actively looking for a position, they’re likely interviewing with multiple organisations at the same time. Don’t put yourself in a position where you miss out on the right candidates just because your processes weren’t streamlined enough. 

Aspire Life Sciences can change the way you hire

We understand all the challenges that life sciences organisations face when hiring and we know exactly how to help. We can find the right candidates at the right time, ensure you hire the perfect candidate for the role, improve diversity on your team, and reduce your time to hire. 

If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you, check out our recruitment blueprint here. Alternatively, contact us and we’ll be more than happy to discuss what we do and how we do it.